Friday, July 4, 2008

Top 10 DubLi, Press Release

DubLi vs. E-bay? DubLi Announces Official Launch in EU

DubLi, a global trading platform dealing with online auctions and online shopping is set to launch officially in the EU. DubLi is predicted by some to surpass the popularity of e-bay by 2010, with its unique � �reverse� � auctions concept.
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/24-7PressRelease/ - Naples, Florida July3, 2008: Discount Marketing Corp and Alfred Luckerbauer, the US representatives for DubLi Network, announced today that DubLi, with operational headquarters located in Berlin, Germany is ready to begin their official launch to all countries located in the European Union. Launch date is set for July 8, 2008.

DubLi, a German internet marketing company, has been operating on a limited scale in Europe since 2006. They will be pre-launching the same platform sometime August in the United States and the company is expected to go fully online in the US by September. DubLi is a global trading platform dealing with online auctions and online shopping that is predicted, by some, to surpass the popularity of e-bay by 2010.

The DubLi auction platform consists of a Unique Reverse Auction, the Express and the ZerO auctions. These auctions are a new twist in the internet marketing and e-commerce arena that is sure to create excitement worldwide.

For those involved in the internet marketing industry this company is called a � �different� � type of business model with the main emphasis being consumer driven rather than traditional plans.

For further information on the company launch go to:
Please contact Mr. Luckerbauer at: or call 1-888-476-9256

About Discount Marketing Corp

Discount Marketing Corp is on the cutting edge of internet marketing and e-commerce business opportunities. For further information, please contact us at 1-888-476-9256.

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