Thursday, July 3, 2008

DubLi Europe Ready, Set, Go ... July 8th!!!!!!!

Top 10 Dubli info now is ready at the starting line for the official launch of DubLi into the European Union, or EU on July 8th!

DubLi, has been operating since 2006 and has a proven track record, but was only in a few countries over there. Well, the kinks have been worked out and now they are really getting down to business!

DubLi has revised the online shopping and they have also tweaked the old "smartwin" auction and added two more "reverse" auctions to the platform. The online auctions will now be called Unique Lowest Bid, Express and ZerO ... I'm not going to explain them all now because I don't have the time ... you'll have to check back later for the complete details!

So, NOW is the time to get ready to hit the ground running. DubLi will pre-launch in the United States in August and then be fully online in September ... think of all the cool stuff that we will be able to buy for a fraction of the retail !!!!!

DubLi has done another nifty thing for the adventurous US internet marketing associates ... if you sign up now, before the US shops are actually open, they have waived the customer requirements for all the positions ... how "sweet" is that. That means you will be able to move up the financial ladder quickly and have more money in your pockets .... I'm all for that!

What are you waiting for? It's time to take ACTION!

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