Monday, June 30, 2008

DubLi, A Company that Touches Lives ...

DubLi is an interesting company. When Michael Hansen founded the company he did his research and pulled together the "best" of all the best businesses out and came up with his new business model. Unique by most standards, it will change the way marketers do business in the future.

One of the keys to its success is the fact he is not trying to change the buying habits of his customers. DubLi is not trying to convince any body to buy a replacement product for what they currently use. Customers just buy what they always do, only they get better prices and products delivered right to their doors.

What's not to like about that?

DubLi offers a great selection of products for men, women and children and they even offer a rewards, or loyalty program to returning customers on a separate website. Pretty nifty!

There will be another webinar on Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday July 1st 6:00 PM ET

Please join my meeting at

Conference Call: (218) 936-3824, access code 536-240-066

Meeting ID: 536-240-0661

It really is the time to check this internet marketing opportunity out !

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